Eastbrook Studios, Dagenham

from January 2025

(Revised January 2025 )

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The vacant site in 2017.

In October 2016, proposals were announced to build new film studios on a nine-acre site in Dagenham.  The Londoneast-uk Enterprise Partnership and Barking and Dagenham Council invested £80,000 to develop a business case for the development, with the support of London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

The location was formerly the manufacturing plant of pharmaceutical company Sanofi.  The remaining buildings have already been used for a number of TV dramas including  Humans (C4), Code of a Killer (ITV), New Blood (BBC) and were also used for the Marvel blockbuster feature Avengers: Age of Ultron.  These buildings are now a campus for Elutec Academy of Design and Engineering – with the film studios on the brownfield site alongside.


In December 2016 the site was purchased by the local council for a reported £12m.  In October 2017 the studios moved a little closer when according to press reports, Barking and Dagenham Council ‘invited expressions of interest’ for the creation of the studios.  This followed the publication of a report that predicted that the studios were viable and could create 780 jobs and £35m for the economy.

A formal tender process started early in 2018.  In February 2018 The Guardian reported that Pinewood had shown an interest in building and running these studios.  However, in March the unexpected winner was announced – it was American company Pacifica Ventures in partnership with Media Content Capital.  You may recall that Pacifica was the company that expressed an interest in developing and expanding Elstree Studios back in 2007.  Plans that unfortunately never happened.

The scheme announced by Pacifica was ambitious and very exciting.  It included 12 sound stages, some TV studios, workshops, offices, post production and training facilities.  Unfortunately, very little appeared to have been done on site by the summer of 2019.  However, there was an announcement in September 2019 that a new 42,000 sq ft ‘warehouse’ was available for filming along with 3,500 sq ft of ancillary offices.  This was not an actual sound stage but was being offered to production companies whilst the rest of the site was prepared and constructed.

Sadly, in October 2019 there was an announcement that Pacifica were withdrawing from the project.  They blamed ‘uncertainties to do with Brexit.’  No construction of any stages had begun at that point.  Ho hum.


To their credit, Barking and Dagenham Council immediately released £3.4m to ‘Be First’, the council’s development arm, to design and apply for planning permission for the first six stages along with workshops and offices.  These would either be operated by a new management company or by the council themselves.


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the site in 2019.  The two workshop buildings on the right were the only ones constructed so far.
the March 2020 proposal for the first 6 stages, incorporating the two existing workshop buildings.



The planning application was submitted in March 2020, just before Covid-19 stopped everything in its tracks.  Approval was given in July 2020.  The plans included 6 sound stages covering 140,000 sq ft, 85,200 sq ft of offices and 174,500 sq ft of workshop space.  This was a somewhat less ambitious scheme than originally proposed.  Building work was expected to start in 2021.

Pat Hayes, the director of Be First, stated that a decision on whether to appoint a management company or run the studios themselves would be taken early in 2020 after submitting planning permission for the revised scheme.  In July 2020 it was reported that Be First was still in talks with potential joint venture partners.


In November there was at last an announcement that a new backer for the project had been found.  This is Los Angeles real-estate firm Hackman Capital Partners, who also own Culver Studios and Television City Studios in California.  HCP have taken on a 250 year lease and have built 12 sound stages, offices and workshops with 3 acres of backlot.  They are working in partnership with MBS – the California-based company that supplies lighting kit in the UK but is also involved in planning and running many film studios worldwide.  MBS are also designing and running the new Apple film studios near Aylesbury, Cardington Studios and Wardpark Studios in Scotland.

Interestingly, the new scheme includes the 6 planned stages but the two large workshop buildings have been converted into 6 more stages.  Nevertheless, there are still 17 workshops of various sizes.

HCP held consultations with the local community in the summer of 2021 as they wanted to change the design and use of some of the buildings.  Construction was due to begin soon afterwards.


The stages are as follows:


stage 1 – 213 x 95ft (21,600 sq ft)

stage 2 – 193 x 95ft (19,600 sq ft)

stage 3 – 214 x 140ft (31,000 sq ft)

stage 4 – 187 x 117ft (23,000 sq ft)

stage 5 – 187 x 117ft (23,000 sq ft)

stage 6 – 129 x 114ft (16,000 sq ft)

stage 7 – 129 x 114ft (16,000 sq ft)

stage 8 – 129 x 114ft (16,000 sq ft)

stage 9 – 129 x 114ft (16,000 sq ft)

stage 10 – 187 x 117ft (23,200 sq ft)

stage 11 – 187 x 117ft (23,200 sq ft)

stage 12 – 187 x 117ft (23,000 sq ft)


The stages under construction in March 2023.
photo thanks to John O’Brien


According to HCP’s website, the studios should have been ‘fully operational by 2023’.  However, the construction firm VolkerFitzpatrick are the company that actually built the studios.  (PRP are the architects.)  Their website states that they began work in August 2022, modifying the two existing warehouses and providing groundworks and piling, before moving on to the new stages.  Their website also includes the information that the project’s duration was 80 weeks, which if they started in August 2022 means that it should have been completed around March 2024.


Update – the studios announced that they were open for bookings in July 2024.  Then in January 2025, press releases declared that they were fully open.


Interestingly, one of the first bookings here was for a multicamera TV show with a studio audience.  I doubt if many people saw that coming.  In January 2025, ticket agency Standing Room Only were advertising a ‘brand new dating show hosted by Hollywood sweetheart, actor Anna Faris.’  According to the IMDb, it’s called Love Takes a Village and was a pilot for NBC.   Rick Edwards is the co-host.  I assume if it goes to series it will, no doubt, appear on a TV channel in the UK too.




A plan of the studios.  Possibly not a generous amount of car parking for 12 stages plus workshops and offices – one assumes they are hoping that most people will travel by tube.  (Dagenham East on the District Line is next to the Front Lot on the site.)  In fact, according to the studio website, there is additional parking a short walk to the north of the site – see below.
image thanks to Eastbrook Studios
This image on the studio website indicates there there is additional parking available a short distance away to the north of the studios on the other side of the existing buildings.  This car park is used by the May & Baker Sports and Social Club.  Their website states that new parking management began on 16th September 2024.
There also appears to be a 15.5 acre back lot, which to my knowledge has not been mentioned previously in press reports.  According to Google Maps, this area is a cricket pitch owned by Goresbrook Cricket Club.  I am unclear as to whether this means the studios have purchased the land from the club or have an arrangement with them.  There is no mention of this on the club website.
The completed studios
photo thanks to Eastbrook Studios