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Please contact me via the box below if you have any comments, corrections or additions. If you have documents or photos you would like to post to me then again, please leave a message and I will let you know my address.
I check for messages every few days so apologies if I don’t get back to you straight away. Unfortunately, there is always a load of spam to wade through before I find any genuine queries.
I am aware that there are still bound to be some errors and omissions in these documents. I genuinely welcome any information that might help with these. The corrections may not appear immediately, but they will in due course.
I am occasionally contacted by people asking where they might find archive tapes of old programmes. I’m afraid that’s a mystery to me too. Also, some people have asked me to place an appeal on the site to try to trace colleagues from years ago. This isn’t really the place for that frankly and once I start I know I will spend most of my time trying to keep all that up to date. Sorry if this appears a bit harsh but there are websites that deal specifically with that kind of thing.
Also, and I hope I make this clear throughout the website, please don’t ask for permission to use the photos on this site. Many have been sent to me and I have no idea who the copyright owner is I’m afraid. If you own the copyright to an image and would like a credit or would like it removed (hopefully not!) I will of course oblige.
Many thanks to everyone who has taken the trouble to contact me. You are all listed on the bibliography page.